Seven Knights Wiki

Rin's Quest 1[]

Note: This dialogue was from Japanese. It needs a translate checking and proofreading.
Somewhere in Aisha...
Pascal Pascal: I am struggling to practice today as well. It is truly a daughter.
Rin Rin: I am sorry. But why are you here?
Pascal Pascal: I just thought of getting tired. Come here, Rin. Let's walk a little more. Rin, a few years have already passed since you entered the castle.
Rin Rin: Yes, father.
Pascal Pascal: Have you heard of the head family?
Rin Rin: Yes, I heard that my father was anxiously living every day because of his care. Thanks to Father's consideration all of the headquarters remains safe in the war.
Pascal Pascal: Really. Actually I was in contact with Rin's original home. It seems that Rin's life is concerned.
Rin Rin: Recently ... I concentrate on battle practice and learning.
Pascal Pascal: Oh, is it a lesson? What is it like?
Rin Rin: I am interested in music and a little singing ...
Pascal Pascal: Singing? Now, let me hear more.
Rin Rin: Is not it right now?
Pascal Pascal: I was told that I used to be good at singing before. Let me make my daughter's ability as my father.
Rin Rin: But my father, he is still very good ...
Pascal Pascal: There is no tension so much. I am still learning. You do not have to be good.
Rin Rin: If it was ...
Rin sings enthusiasm with tension, but Pascal's face gets darker and darker.
Pascal Pascal: ... Rin, how long have you been studying?
Rin Rin: It is about six months.
Pascal Pascal: …Really. Are not you interested in other lessons?
Rin Rin: ...
Pascal Pascal: Well, no, nothing. It does not mean that students must always be successful in their lessons. It is a beautiful appearance to strive. However, prioritize training rather than singing. Also ... do not sing too much elsewhere. Do not forget the dignity of the princess.
Rin Rin: Yes, father ...

Rin's Quest 2[]

Note: This dialogue was from Japanese. It needs a translate checking and proofreading.
Somewhere in Aisha...
Bai Jiao Bai Jiao: Wow ~ I will make tea directly for the princess ...
Rin Rin: Please, go slowly. What do you like tea?
Bai Jiao Bai Jiao: Whatever tea is fine? That's right - let's make the same tea as the Princess. Is it green tea?
Rin Rin: ... Bai Jiao, I called you, because I want to hear it. Have you been supposed to assist Father recently?
Bai Jiao Bai Jiao: It is a great honor to the Princess to worry ... But why do you care?
Rin Rin: I will ask you straight away. Why do you approach my father?
Bai Jiao Bai Jiao: There is no purpose. The Princess is like ... I can tell you something that is also a plot?
Rin Rin: My father changed since you emerged. I am interested only in seeking a stronger force. And you earn the trust of father day by day. Is not it natural to doubt?
Bai Jiao Bai Jiao: Well, it is a good story. But why does the quick point pass?
Rin Rin: I heard that you can use magic.
Bai Jiao Bai Jiao: Huhufu ... Princess, you surely believe in that rumor? I say that I am manipulating the emperor with magic ...
Rin Rin: There is no rumor if it is a totally unfounded story.
Bai Jiao Bai Jiao: ... I am sorry to say a word. The princess is going to have big problems so as to question the emperor's unusual appearance.
Rin Rin: That ... What do you mean?
Bai Jiao Bai Jiao: Huhuhhu, now I understand. I am sorry to cause you to have a wonderful tea ... I was called by the emperor .... I will excuse myself.
Karma Karma: ... Did you say such a thing?
Rin Rin: Bai Jiao, all of them are mysteries. I am not worried what my father is doing ...
Karma Karma: Rin, if you please stop approaching him unnecessarily. You are dangerous. Everything is a person who is trusted by the emperor. I will touch the emperor's anger when I am not good.
Rin Rin: But I can not stop doing nothing.
Karma Karma: I ... I am worried about you.
Rin Rin: My father would never have ordered the Guard to me as long as he could not do anything.
Karma Karma: ...
Rin Rin: Do not worry. I will protect my father no matter what happens.

Rin's Quest 3[]

Note: This dialogue was from Japanese. It needs a translate checking and proofreading.
Somewhere in Aisha...
Rin Rin: I have been looking for it all the time.
Karma Karma: Rin
Yu Shin Yu Shin: I'm back from long time, Princess.
Rin Rin: Oh, Yu Shin. What are the two of you here? Karma, why did it take so long to say I just wanted to go on a roundabout? ... What in the hand have it?
Karma Karma: I, I was just looking for Rin. This is…
Rin Rin: Did you pick up things thrown away?
Karma Karma: ...
Yu Shin Yu Shin: .. The form is a guardian card made by Karma even if it is unclear.
Rin Rin: Karma does this? Did you make this?
Karma Karma: ... I wanted to give it to Rin.
Rin Rin: To me?
Karma Karma: It is an era when war breaks out with the power of destruction. You are not safe to lead the Four Lords. Moreover, recently Bai Jiao has shown movement in the vicinity of the emperor. Risk is getting bigger.
Rin Rin: ...
Karma Karma: This will protect you. Please hold me apart from you.
Rin Rin: ... I will take it as a worry for me.
Karma Karma: Thank you, Rin.
Rin Rin: So I will do this .... Karma should come back as soon as patrol is over. Yu Shin is well.
Yu Shin Yu Shin: Thank you, Princess.
Rin Rin: ... Hey, Mir? Perhaps Karma ... I wonder if you are lying to me? Does not it look like this again?