Seven Knights Wiki

Eileene's Quest 4[]

Note: This dialogue was from Japanese. It needs a translate checking and proofreading.
Somewhere in Aisha...
Rachel Rachel: The rain is getting bigger and harder. I hope to return safely to Asgar as it is...
Eileene Eileene: I issued a ship with the life of Aisha's Princess, but I do not know when you will get attacked by Iron Devourer. Captains and sailors are also frightened by fear.
Rachel Rachel: As long as we do not manage Iron Devourer, we have to procrastinate the trade we promised with them.
Eileene Eileene: Until such a story of trade...
Rachel Rachel: Because I have not interacted with Aisha for a long time. Just by acquiring trade rights, you can expand Agni's commercial area more.
Eileene Eileene: ...You have not changed since long ago.
Rachel Rachel: I have an obligation to protect the lives of the people as a monarch who controls the Blazing Desert. In that respect, you are already a single leader. I did not expect to decide about Karin... as soon as possible.
Eileene Eileene: ...That's right. I also carry an obligation to protect Fodina. So I decided to sacrifice Karin's bowl without any hesitation. Nonetheless, it was not that he was lost. That girl is a benefactor who stopped the barren war between Fodina and Agni... you, me.
Rachel Rachel: ...
Eileene Eileene: I was suffering for a long time whether I could not stop sacrificing those children. After all, there was only one choice on my head. The soldiers who fought with the lives of those who wait for me, they have to keep their important future... Honestly Rudy was a bit relieved when he told us to help Karin with his strength.
Rachel Rachel: Me too... But, in the end the emperor ran out of control and Karin was robbed by Dellons.
Eileene Eileene: When Evan took a blade with us in an effort to help Karin... I told him to be calm, but indeed it may have been that he was even more impatient than anyone. I do not regret my choice... but I can not forget the form of Evan, who turned the blade to us.
Rachel Rachel: If Dellons gathers all fragments and brings down the god of destruction, this world will be in great confusion and pain. In order to prevent it, it is a surely safe way to annihilate the vessel Karin.
Eileene Eileene: But Evan was robbed of the most important person. Our words etc... It should have been heard only as a simple defense.
Rachel Rachel: Evan is a wise child. Both, he will notice. Sometimes I need to give up on important things... And you do not need to feel responsibility alone, Eileene. You should not carry Karin alone on your back.
Eileene Eileene: Rachel...
Rachel Rachel: I do not know when Iron Devourer will attack. It is important to take a rest when you can rest.
Eileene Eileene: Rachel... If we were in the position of Evan and Karin, could we make the same decision now?
Rachel Rachel: What are you hesitating? We have changed and have to change. The decision will not change.
Eileene Eileene: It really does not change... I... I am not a bit confident.